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100% (Restricted)

By far the longest category, 100% (Restricted) collects all major completion elements in the game but allows no skips or glitches throughout.

100% Restricted is a long, by-the-numbers run. It builds on the same skeleton as the other, shorter Restricted runs, making small detours for convenient items up through the Relics. Once daylight returns, the run revisits many areas with Laurels to complete the checklist.

If you're looking for a run without any glitches, with strict rules for routing, and that contains every Restricted strat, look no further!

Be sure you have read over Getting Started before beginning this guide.

Until I've had time to create a guide in this site's format, please check out the following videos.

Current WR

Don't ask me why I tried to upgrade to ATT 6. Also forgot the coin on the beach.